Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Is Barack Obama the Anti-Christ?

Barack Hussein Obama II.  Who is this guy?  Some people say he was born in Kenya and members of his family say they were there in Kenya when he was born.  The Media says he was born in Hawaii, but nobody that works at the Hospital that he was supposedly born in even remember that!  

That's a little odd wouldn't you think?  A White woman gives birth to a black baby in Hawaii, and nobody remembers it?  White women in the 1960s rarely had black babies!  Seeing something like that in the 1960s was about as normal as encountering Bigfoot!

However, it is just part of the Enigma of this guy, who nobody seems to remember from lots of places he says he's been.  He says he attended Harvard Law School and edited the Harvard Law Review, but nobody who went to Harvard seems to remember him!  All the issues of the Harvard Law Review he supposedly edited seem to somehow have disappeared.

Did he graduate from Harvard?  No one seems to know, because all his records are sealed!  We know he never practiced law, because his only job before running for Senator from Illinois was listed as "community organizer".  You don't need a degree from Harvard to be one of those - Hell that job doesn't even require a H.S. Diploma!

All of his childhood friends are apparently living in Indonesia, but nobody has ever met any of them either.  He certainly doesn't seem to have any friends from Hawaii, because nobody seems to remember him there!  The only friends he seems to have in Chicago are the former domestic terrorist Bill Ayers and Reverend "God Damn America" Wright.

How did this guy get the nomination of the Democratic Party for Senator?  A "community organizer" getting to be a Senatorial candidate from a major political party is certainly unusual!  Especially since he never held any other political office before!

Is his name really Barack Hussein Obama II?  People say that they called him Barry before he became Senator.  His stepfather's name was Soetoro.  Is he really the son of Barack Hussein Obama of Kenya - an avowed anti-colonialist member of the Communist Party?  Were his parents ever really married?  They certainly don't seem to have ever lived together according to the few records that aren't sealed!

It's not really known if the son ever even met the father.  He barely knew his own mother, who abandoned him and sent him to live with his White grandparents.  Both his grandparents are now dead, and apparently they didn't have many friends or acquaintances who remember this guy at all.

A Conspiracy Theorist could have a field day listing all the strange inconsistencies of his biographical information - especially the lack of eyewitnesses to corroborate any of it!  It's almost as if he didn't even EXIST before he was elected to the US Senate.

Then, there's the unlikely candidacy for President.  He hadn't even completed one term as Senator before becoming a candidate for President!  He won his party's nomination, even though most of the delegates had never met him before!  He won the election without releasing his birth certificate or any other records from his past!

The Media didn't seem to know anything about him at all.  Is he really a Christian, or is he a Muslim?  Is he a Communist like his father and mother?  Is he even a citizen of the United States?  His father certainly wasn't, and his mother was a minor when he was born!

Is Barack Obama the Anti-Christ foretold by countless prophets to herald the Final Battle between Good and Evil?  He might be, nobody really knows for sure who he is anyway!  Who knows what mysterious power put an unknown person into the White House in the 2008 Election?

We'll know for sure soon!  The end of this Story is about to happen!

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