They really can't even hide it well anymore...
However, the days when most people got their news from Newspapers, Magazines, and the Major TV Networks are long since over. These heavily Liberal outlets are now as profitable as real estate brokers in the inner cities.
Less than 10% of Americans get their news from these outdated Dinosaurs anymore, and their extinction is all but certain nowadays. New Media on the internet and Talk Radio has replaced the old dying Lamestream Media as the major source of news for Americans.
The Major TV Broadcast News now only reaches about 5% of the people and most Americans cannot name the anchors of these shows anymore. 20 years ago, Dan Rather, Tom Brokaw and Peter Jennings were household names. Today, these newsanchors are gone and no one knows who replaced them. 20 years from now, there probably won't even be any Network News broadcasts...
People have come to distrust the Networks and their agendas clash with the morals and values of today's Americans. 40% of Americans call themselves Conservative, compared to under 20% who identify as Liberal. Plus, most Liberals are now old enough to be members of the AARP!
Those Americans that grew up under Reagan and today's youth are decidedly Anti-Liberal, which explains their abandonment of media that seems mired in the 1960's yippie/hippie movement. These aging ex-hippies are now the norm of the Lamestream Media, and are destined to soon die off completely. Much like the Dinosaurs, they are unable to adapt to the New Media reality.
Liberal Talk Radio was so unpopular that even Liberals didn't listen to it. The Internet is too new and alien to the Liberals of yesteryear. The few websites that are Liberal are financed by Foundations and seedy internationalists who are either Foreigners or so Anti-American they might as well be Foreigners.
I foresee a day not far from today where the US Mainstream Media as it exists now is no longer viable. The Newspapers are already dying off one by one, and the Networks today are less than 5% of the channels offered on Cable and Satellite. Liberalism is now a four-lettered word to most Americans. The only people willing to openly claim to be Liberals are either Radical or Nuts...
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