As I write this, the heads of the Greek and Italian Governments have been replaced by unelected bankster stooges appointed by the decidedly undemocratic EU and their Infernal Central Bank to loot the last remaining coins left in the treasuries of the now dying EU. As the EU crumbles, Right Wing Parties are coming to the forefront to take the reins of power away from Brussels and the Damned EU Elite that has irrevocably plunged Europe into a New Depression with unpayable loans and poorly-conceived social programs that have now infested most of Europe with Third World gutter trash looking for handouts from overly generous Socialist Regimes!
In what would have been inconceivable just a decade ago, Spain has cast off its Socialist Rulers in a stunning rebuke of Liberalism and Socialism and elected its first Conservative Government in years. Right Wing Parties have also won elections in Switzerland and are poised to pull off a Huge Upset in the French Elections with Marine Le Pen running competitively against Sarkozy in what could be the start of a Rout of Liberalism and Socialism across Europe!
If Marine Le Pen wins the French Presidency, then all bets are off for other European Nations that are fed up with unfettered Third World Immigration and Rising Tax Burdens. Even Germany, that is currently under the thumb of Center-Right Angela Merkel could move farther to the right as Neo-Nazi and Far-Right Parties gain followers and supporters.
The EU is quickly disintegrating from one financial catastrophe to another, as the Banksters try desperately to avoid Bankruptcy amid widespread agreement that most of the member nations of the EU face insolvency and are unlikely to pay off on their burgeoning debts caused by Third Worlders soaking up benefits from overly generous Social Programs.
The Euro is currently hanging by its fingernails over a Steep Cliff as one nation after another goes to the European Central Bank for relief from their unpayable debt burdens. First Greece, then Rome. Who's Next to claim that their economy needs a bailout? Spain? Portugal? Maybe even France?
Anything is possible at this point as the European Economy sinks lower and lower, and the debt keeps going higher and higher. The Germans don't have enough cash to keep this travesty going! Even if the Germans were taxed at 100% confiscatory rates, there still would not be enough money to save the Euro from Collapse!
When the Bottom falls out of the Euro, a Panic will start. People will make runs on the Banks, who don't have enough money to pay off their depositors. There will certainly be riots, as people angrily demand their money back from the Banksters!
Good-Bye EU! No Thousand Year Rule for Brussels!
Fourth Reich Anyone?
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