Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Is Barack Obama the Anti-Christ?

Barack Hussein Obama II.  Who is this guy?  Some people say he was born in Kenya and members of his family say they were there in Kenya when he was born.  The Media says he was born in Hawaii, but nobody that works at the Hospital that he was supposedly born in even remember that!  

That's a little odd wouldn't you think?  A White woman gives birth to a black baby in Hawaii, and nobody remembers it?  White women in the 1960s rarely had black babies!  Seeing something like that in the 1960s was about as normal as encountering Bigfoot!

However, it is just part of the Enigma of this guy, who nobody seems to remember from lots of places he says he's been.  He says he attended Harvard Law School and edited the Harvard Law Review, but nobody who went to Harvard seems to remember him!  All the issues of the Harvard Law Review he supposedly edited seem to somehow have disappeared.

Did he graduate from Harvard?  No one seems to know, because all his records are sealed!  We know he never practiced law, because his only job before running for Senator from Illinois was listed as "community organizer".  You don't need a degree from Harvard to be one of those - Hell that job doesn't even require a H.S. Diploma!

All of his childhood friends are apparently living in Indonesia, but nobody has ever met any of them either.  He certainly doesn't seem to have any friends from Hawaii, because nobody seems to remember him there!  The only friends he seems to have in Chicago are the former domestic terrorist Bill Ayers and Reverend "God Damn America" Wright.

How did this guy get the nomination of the Democratic Party for Senator?  A "community organizer" getting to be a Senatorial candidate from a major political party is certainly unusual!  Especially since he never held any other political office before!

Is his name really Barack Hussein Obama II?  People say that they called him Barry before he became Senator.  His stepfather's name was Soetoro.  Is he really the son of Barack Hussein Obama of Kenya - an avowed anti-colonialist member of the Communist Party?  Were his parents ever really married?  They certainly don't seem to have ever lived together according to the few records that aren't sealed!

It's not really known if the son ever even met the father.  He barely knew his own mother, who abandoned him and sent him to live with his White grandparents.  Both his grandparents are now dead, and apparently they didn't have many friends or acquaintances who remember this guy at all.

A Conspiracy Theorist could have a field day listing all the strange inconsistencies of his biographical information - especially the lack of eyewitnesses to corroborate any of it!  It's almost as if he didn't even EXIST before he was elected to the US Senate.

Then, there's the unlikely candidacy for President.  He hadn't even completed one term as Senator before becoming a candidate for President!  He won his party's nomination, even though most of the delegates had never met him before!  He won the election without releasing his birth certificate or any other records from his past!

The Media didn't seem to know anything about him at all.  Is he really a Christian, or is he a Muslim?  Is he a Communist like his father and mother?  Is he even a citizen of the United States?  His father certainly wasn't, and his mother was a minor when he was born!

Is Barack Obama the Anti-Christ foretold by countless prophets to herald the Final Battle between Good and Evil?  He might be, nobody really knows for sure who he is anyway!  Who knows what mysterious power put an unknown person into the White House in the 2008 Election?

We'll know for sure soon!  The end of this Story is about to happen!

Sunday, November 27, 2011

The Collapse of the Euro and the End of the EU

As I write this, the heads of the Greek and Italian Governments have been replaced by unelected bankster stooges appointed by the decidedly undemocratic EU and their Infernal Central Bank to loot the last remaining coins left in the treasuries of the now dying EU.  As the EU crumbles, Right Wing Parties are coming to the forefront to take the reins of power away from Brussels and the Damned EU Elite that has irrevocably plunged Europe into a New Depression with unpayable loans and poorly-conceived social programs that have now infested most of Europe with Third World gutter trash looking for handouts from overly generous Socialist Regimes!

In what would have been inconceivable just a decade ago, Spain has cast off its Socialist Rulers in a stunning rebuke of Liberalism and Socialism and elected its first Conservative Government in years.  Right Wing Parties have also won elections in Switzerland and are poised to pull off a Huge Upset in the French Elections with Marine Le Pen running competitively against Sarkozy in what could be the start of a Rout of Liberalism and Socialism across Europe!
If Marine Le Pen wins the French Presidency, then all bets are off for other European Nations that are fed up with unfettered Third World Immigration and Rising Tax Burdens.  Even Germany, that is currently under the thumb of Center-Right Angela Merkel could move farther to the right as Neo-Nazi and Far-Right Parties gain followers and supporters.

The EU is quickly disintegrating from one financial catastrophe to another, as the Banksters try desperately to avoid Bankruptcy amid widespread agreement that most of the member nations of the EU face insolvency and are unlikely to pay off on their burgeoning debts caused by Third Worlders soaking up benefits from overly generous Social Programs.
The Euro is currently hanging by its fingernails over a Steep Cliff as one nation after another goes to the European Central Bank for relief from their unpayable debt burdens.  First Greece, then Rome.  Who's Next to claim that their economy needs a bailout?  Spain?  Portugal?  Maybe even France?
Anything is possible at this point as the European Economy sinks lower and lower, and the debt keeps going higher and higher.  The Germans don't have enough cash to keep this travesty going!  Even if the Germans were taxed at 100% confiscatory rates, there still would not be enough money to save the Euro from Collapse!

When the Bottom falls out of the Euro, a Panic will start.  People will make runs on the Banks, who don't have enough money to pay off their depositors.  There will certainly be riots, as people angrily demand their money back from the Banksters!

Good-Bye EU!  No Thousand Year Rule for Brussels!
Fourth Reich Anyone?

Thursday, October 6, 2011

We Live in the Weimar Republic!

As I write this, a group of Communists calling themselves Occupy Wall Street are protesting against the symbol of Capitalist America.  Groups of low-grade second-rate agitators like Van Jones are calling for the violent overthrow of the Social Order that has so far decayed in America that even nobodies like Obama Administration castoffs see an opportunity at Quick and Easy Power through violence and mayhem.
The American People have seen too much of this kind of rot since the infernal 1960s, with the now aging hippies grouping around the body of Capitalism like vultures around a unfortunate corpse of a nameless victim of violence.
These are the days like the Weimar Republic of Germany, where the people have lost All Hope of Economic Recovery and huddle in groups to avoid the manifold dangers of the Communist Forces of Chaos and Destruction that have arrived to feed off the last morsels of a failed State.
The US Congress is hopelessly deadlocked between timid and ineffective conservatives and fetid immoral demagogues of the left.  The Presidency has fallen into the hands of a brainless twit whose self-absorbed fantasies of self-gratification and narcissism belie an almost humorous lack of any sane grip on reality.
Proposing one failed plan after another this modern day Nero fiddles about on golf courses and makes teleprompter speeches to addle minded fools as the Capitol is besieged by latter-day Vandals.
Like the Weimar Republic, the USA in its present form is Doomed.  It only waits for a Charismatic Self-Assured Leader to appear to overthrow the dessicated corpse of democratic corruption, and bring about the New Order that the people so desperately need.  Certainly this leader shall not come from the two miserably corrupt major parties - one a jackass and the other a bloated pachyderm, but from the people itself.
The World teeters on Total Economic Collapse, as the greedy moneylenders try to extract one last pound of flesh from the hapless unfortunate taxpayers of the West.  The Silent Majority angrily awaits a voice to shout down the Communists and order the arrest of the Capitalists.
A New Order.  A New Leader.  A New Nation from the ruins of the Weimar Republic of America!  

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Rise of the Right in Europe

Anders Behring Breivik of Norway bombed Oslo and shot 68 members of a "youth organization" of the Socialist Ruling Party.  The fallout of these attacks is still ongoing in Norway and the other Socialist Governments in Europe.

Soon there will be Elections in countries such as Switzerland in Europe and the Breivik massacre is no doubt going to play a role in the outcome of these votes.  Breivik's Manifesto warning Europe of the unhealthy rise of Muslim populations amongst Europeans has struck a chord among the voters.

The Failure of Multiculturalism has already been admitted by leaders in Europe and Britain.  The people of Europe are already uneasy about the rising crime and discord brought by Muslim and other Third World immigrants.

I predict that after a short time, the Europeans will tire of the propoganda of the leftists and Socialists and Embrace the Far Right Anti-Immigrant Parties.  Marine LePen of France and Geert Wilders are just the beginning of the trend towards Right Wing Movements that will Dominate Europe in the coming decade.

Anti-Immigrant Movements will Dominate the 21st Century in Europe as well as America.  The Far Right Parties will enjoy increasing electoral support by the people that are sick and tired of the Multiculturalist Crap that the Socialists have been peddling since the 20th Century.

Old Fashioned Nationalism will make a Strong Comeback around the World as people become more Xenophobic and less Global.  The Globalists and Internationalists will be seen by the people as the scapegoats of Economic Downturns and ethnic strife will drive voters into the waiting arms of Nationalist Movements.

Multiculturalism is Dead.  Nationalism and Fascism are the Future...

Tuesday, July 12, 2011


The Presidential Election of 2012 is just around the corner, and Challengers are lining up to de-seat Obama.  Obama's numbers are not good.

His support among Whites is nearly non-existent.  Over 60% of Whites say the country is on the Wrong Track.

However, almost 100% of blacks are sure to vote again for Obama.

In order to win re-election, Obama needs to get most of the other Minority votes to make up for his lack of support amongst Whites.

The Electorate is split along White GOP voters and Non-White Dem voters.

However, in order to win, Obama's GOP opponent must be a Real Stinker.  As it stands now, Sarah Palin, Ron Paul, Bachmann and others will easily beat Obama in 2012.

It would take a Real Stinker of a GOP Candidate to lose to Obama.  Someone like Mitt Romney, Jon Huntsman or Newt Gingrich.  

Even then, it would be close.  Obama is hugely unpopular outside of blacks who support him unreservedly.

It may require a "spoiler" candidate to ensure re-election of Obama. A Third Party candidate that can take GOP votes away from the GOP candidate.

Someone like Ross Perot, who elected Bill Clinton twice by taking Republican votes away from the GOP candidate.  But Who?

Without a Third Party Candidate, Obama could be Toast in 2012.  Congress is certain to be GOP-run after the Election.

Even a Stinker like RINO Romney might Still beat Obama in 2012.  Obama's only hope is for a Strong Third Party Candidate like Perot to enter the race and ensure his re-election.

After All, Ballot Fraud and Voter Intimidation will only go so far in American Politics.

Saturday, June 11, 2011


The Dow Jones and Nasdaq indexes have been on a steady downward trend lately!  The DJIA has gone Down for Six Weeks straight!  Is a stock market Crash imminent?
The Federal Reserve has just finished Quantitative Easing 2 or QE2 and it looks as though they are wont to do QE3, but whether that will stop the Downward Trend is Doubtful...
I predict that the DJIA will lose Half its value by the End of the Fiscal Year.  No Amount of Monetary flow from the Federal Reserve can avert the Meltdown that is occurring in the US Economy.
Few jobs are being created in the Private Sector, and the Public Sector has little choice now but to shed jobs as State budgets are squeezed by the current economic downturn.  This downward spiral in employment will inevitably affect Consumer spending and cause companies to lose profit margins that are already tight.
As Corporate Earnings tank, and the money from the Federal Reserve dries up - I predict a Serious Crash that will wipe out the portfolios of many 401ks and investment bankers.
This time, however, the US Federal Government will not have the money for another Bailout, and many Investors will inevitably go Bankrupt as stocks freefall in value.
I predict sharp increases in Gold Prices and perhaps even double-digit inflation as Banks and Companies scramble to avoid Bankruptcy.
At that point, people will stop calling this a Recession and start using the term Depression to describe Economic Conditions in the USA...

Thursday, May 26, 2011

The Future of Libya

For whatever reason, the US and NATO have decided to depose Libya's Qaddafi.  Who will take over after Qaddafi is gone is the real question that needs to be asked...
I predict that NATO airstrikes will continue until Qaddafi is killed.  I also predict that Qaddafi's sons will seek revenge for their father's death - primarily blaming the United States.
After Qaddafi is killed, his sons will see the writing on the wall and leave Libya to its Fate.  Extremists amongst the rebels will no doubt come to the forefront after this happens.
Libya will probably follow the Lead of Egypt and hold elections which like in Egypt will bring a more Radical Islam into positions of power.  It is likely that the new Libyan government will be allied with the Muslim Brotherhood and make Israel their primary enemy.
Qaddafi's sons will probably go into hiding to support terror plots against the United States and NATO.
Just why the US and NATO bothered to get involved in Libya will probably be an important question for future historians - as it will obviously lead to a More Radical Leader than Qaddafi ever was...

Monday, May 23, 2011

The Future of US Mainstream Media

Let's face it.  The Lamestream Media is biased and Anti-American!
They really can't even hide it well anymore...
However, the days when most people got their news from Newspapers, Magazines, and the Major TV Networks are long since over.  These heavily Liberal outlets are now as profitable as real estate brokers in the inner cities.
Less than 10% of Americans get their news from these outdated Dinosaurs anymore, and their extinction is all but certain nowadays.  New Media on the internet and Talk Radio has replaced the old dying Lamestream Media as the major source of news for Americans.
The Major TV Broadcast News now only reaches about 5% of the people and most Americans cannot name the anchors of these shows anymore.  20 years ago, Dan Rather, Tom Brokaw and Peter Jennings were household names.  Today, these newsanchors are gone and no one knows who replaced them.  20 years from now, there probably won't even be any Network News broadcasts...
People have come to distrust the Networks and their agendas clash with the morals and values of today's Americans.  40% of Americans call themselves Conservative, compared to under 20% who identify as Liberal.  Plus, most Liberals are now old enough to be members of the AARP!
Those Americans that grew up under Reagan and today's youth are decidedly Anti-Liberal, which explains their abandonment of media that seems mired in the 1960's yippie/hippie movement.  These aging ex-hippies are now the norm of the Lamestream Media, and are destined to soon die off completely.  Much like the Dinosaurs, they are unable to adapt to the New Media reality.
Liberal Talk Radio was so unpopular that even Liberals didn't listen to it.  The Internet is too new and alien to the Liberals of yesteryear.  The few websites that are Liberal are financed by Foundations and seedy internationalists who are either Foreigners or so Anti-American they might as well be Foreigners.
I foresee a day not far from today where the US Mainstream Media as it exists now is no longer viable.  The Newspapers are already dying off one by one, and the Networks today are less than 5% of the channels offered on Cable and Satellite.  Liberalism is now a four-lettered word to most Americans.  The only people willing to openly claim to be Liberals are either Radical or Nuts...

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Predictions For The Future!

They say you can't see the Future.  It is possible to predict the Future.

This Blog is about my Predictions for the Future...

First, the USA.  I predict in no particular order:
Stock Market Crash, where 1/2 of the DJIA is wiped out.
Race Riots throughout most of the USA.
The Republicans retaking the US Senate in the 2012 Elections.
Obama winning a second term though with allegations of Massive Vote Fraud.
The Impeachment of Obama by the US Congress.
The Assassination of Obama by a Lone Gunman.
A Second Civil War in the USA.
A Dictator taking over the USA after the 2nd Civil War.

Second, the Middle East.  Again, no particular order:
The Killing of Qaddafi by NATO.
The Muslim Brotherhood taking over Egypt after their Elections.
A Civil War in Pakistan involving US forces.
A war between Israel and an Alliance of Iran, Syria, Libya and Egypt.
Turkey withdrawing from NATO.

Finally, in Europe.  No particular order again:
Riots in France following the French Election.
The Collapse of the Euro as a common currency.
The Death of Queen Elizabeth II causing a power struggle for succession between Prince Charles and his Sons.
A Neo-Fascist Revival in Europe.

More on these predictions to come!